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How to Fix Galaxy S5 Problems

You might be baffled of burning through several dollars to buy the Galaxy S5 just to find that it is not working appropriately. We do comprehend your torment. Life isn't reasonable; be that as it may, don't abandon your Galaxy S5 yet. With a little research, you can discover an answer or a workaround. That is the reason we are here. The following is a gathering of regular Samsung Galaxy S5 issues and repairs to keep your gadget to date.

How to Fix  Galaxy S5 Problems

1. No Music Controls or Notifications on Lock Screen

Many individuals are baffled by their music controls, warnings and different gadgets vanishing or missing from the bolt screen particularly after the Android 5.0 Lollipop overhaul.


ü Go to Settings

ü On the Sound and Notifications, tap on 'When gadget is bolted'

ü Pick " Show all warning substance

On the off chance that the music controls are not back instantly, restart your cell phone.

2. Inability to Download Applications 'Deficient Storage Available'

This issue is basic and most S5 clients are grumbling that their gadgets have accessible space yet the Galaxy S5 continues showing 'Deficient stockpiling accessible' when they attempt to introduce applications.


ü Go to Settings then discover Storage

ü In the event that the inner stockpiling is completely possessed and the space your gadget shows is from the microSD, exchange records from the inside capacity to the microSD. Go to "Applications" then to 'My Files' to the 'Nearby stockpiling' to the 'Gadget stockpiling'. Select organizers and documents to move by ticking the cases and after that tap the Menu symbol and tap Move then tap on 'SD memory card. Find where you need to exchange then and tap 'Move here'.

ü To stop the issue showing up as often as possible later on, Set SD card to default for your camera application. Go to Apps to Camera to Settings and after that to Storage, tap on memory card of course.

ü On the off chance that you discover that the inner stockpiling is not full and you are getting the blunder warning about lacking space then the time has come to erase your whole reserve. Turn you gadget off. Press and hold Home, Volume up and Power catches together. Give up the catches when you see the Samsung logo with the blue recuperate content. At the point when the Recovery menu come up, utilize the Volume down catch to look down and afterward pick wipe store parcel and press Power to choose it. When it is done utilize the Volume catches to highlight reboot framework now, utilize Power to pick it and when the Galaxy S5 restarts your issue ought to be gone.

3. Resound on The Speaker

A few people have whined of an irritating reverberation on their Samsung Galaxy S5 speaker. For a few, it is toward the end while for others, the resound ­­is annoying the other guest amid a call.


ü The main thing to do is ensuring it is not being created by your Galaxy S5 case, evacuate it and check whether it have any kind of effect.

ü Blow the amplifier or speaker relying upon what the end the issue is on. Utilize a delicate brush or packed to ensure there is nothing stuck.

ü Go to settings then to Accessibilities to Vision and turn Talkback off to check whether it makes a difference.

ü Utilize a Bluetooth headset for a call to check whether the issue holds on. In the event that it does, then it is most likely a system issue. Contact the transporter to see what they do bring to the table.

4. Not Receiving Text Messages

Some S5 clients have been having a considerable measure of inconvenience accepting instant messages on the Samsung Galaxy S5.


üIn the event that your past cell phone was an iPhone, deregister iMessage. The connections takes you to Apple rules. In the event that you've your iPhone then it is as straightforward as turning iMessage off in Settings then to messages.

üCheck whether the storage room is accessible. Go to Settings then to Storage.

üOpen up Messages application, tap Settings go to Text Messages then to Message focus. Check with the bearer what the correct number is.

üIn the event that you have an alternate SMS application, uninstall it and begin utilizing the default.

üIn the event that none of these works contact the bearer.

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